Asst. Prof. Nebojša Gnjatović, PhD


University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Department for material handling, constructions and logistics

Nebojša Gnjatović (assistant professor) has 17 years of scientific research and engineering experience in the fields of stability, strength, dynamic behavior and reliability of surface mining and material handling machines. As an author and coauthor, he has published 50 scientific articles, 20 of which were published in SCI journals.

He was involved in realization of 7 technical solutions and 48 original projects and solutions for clients from the industry. He was the principal investigator of 3 scientific research projects (2020-2023) financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MESD) and has participated in the realization of 3 research projects funded by the MESTD (2006-2019). Currently, he is the principal investigator of 1 research and innovation project (2023) financed by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology.