Prof. Aleksandar Grbović, PhD

University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Department for Aeronautics

Aleksandar Grbovic is a full professor at the Department of Aeronauitcs at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Head of the Laboratory for Numerical Simulations.

In addition to pedagogical and scientific-research work in the fields of strength and design of metal and composite aircraft structures, fatigue behaviour of structures, and numerical and experimental analysis of the integrity of damaged structures, for more than twenty-five years he has been engaged in consulting work, analyses and revisions of studies and projects from the field of aviation, as well as the development of new aircraft - manned and unmanned - for the needs of the Serbian aviation industry. He has published over 50 papers in journals from the SCI list, as well as three textbooks in the field of aircraft design.

He was a member of the Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Belgrade for two terms, assistant director for scientific and research work at the Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade (2019 – 2021), and currently holds the position of vice dean for finance of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.He is married and the father of two children.